Scene file format

Mitsuba uses a simple and general XML-based format to represent scenes. Since the framework’s philosophy is to represent discrete blocks of functionality as plugins, a scene file can be interpreted as “recipe” specifying which plugins should be instantiated and how they should be put together. In the following, we will look at a few examples to get a feeling for the scope of the format.

A simple scene with a single mesh and the default lighting and camera setup might look something like this:

<scene version="2.0.0">
    <shape type="obj">
        <string name="filename" value="dragon.obj"/>

The version attribute in the first line denotes the release of Mitsuba that was used to create the scene. This information allows Mitsuba to correctly process the file regardless of any potential future changes in the scene description language.

This example already contains the most important things to know about format: it consists of objects (such as the objects instantiated by the <scene> or <shape> tags), which can furthermore be nested within each other. Each object optionally accepts properties (such as the <string> tag) that characterize its behavior. All objects except for the root object (the <scene>) cause the renderer to search and load a plugin from disk, hence you must provide the plugin name using type=".." parameter.

The object tags also let the renderer know what kind of object is to be instantiated: for instance, any plugin loaded using the <shape> tag must conform to the Shape interface, which is certainly the case for the plugin named obj (it contains a Wavefront OBJ loader). Similarly, you could write

<scene version="2.0.0">
    <shape type="sphere">
        <float name="radius" value="10"/>

This loads a different plugin (sphere) which is still a Shape but instead represents a sphere configured with a radius of 10 world-space units. Mitsuba ships with a large number of plugins; please refer to the next chapter for a detailed overview of them.

The most common scene setup is to declare an integrator, some geometry, a sensor (e.g. a camera), a film, a sampler and one or more emitters. Here is a more complex example:

<scene version="2.0.0">
    <integrator type="path">
        <!-- Instantiate a path tracer with a max. path length of 8 -->
        <integer name="max_depth" value="8"/>

    <!-- Instantiate a perspective camera with 45 degrees field of view -->
    <sensor type="perspective">
        <!-- Rotate the camera around the Y axis by 180 degrees -->
        <transform name="to_world">
            <rotate y="1" angle="180"/>
        <float name="fov" value="45"/>

        <!-- Render with 32 samples per pixel using a basic
             independent sampling strategy -->
        <sampler type="independent">
            <integer name="sample_count" value="32"/>

        <!-- Generate an EXR image at HD resolution -->
        <film type="hdrfilm">
            <integer name="width" value="1920"/>
            <integer name="height" value="1080"/>

    <!-- Add a dragon mesh made of rough glass (stored as OBJ file) -->
    <shape type="obj">
        <string name="filename" value="dragon.obj"/>

        <bsdf type="roughdielectric">
            <!-- Tweak the roughness parameter of the material -->
            <float name="alpha" value="0.01"/>

    <!-- Add another mesh, this time, stored using Mitsuba's own
         (compact) binary representation -->
    <shape type="serialized">
        <string name="filename" value="lightsource.serialized"/>
        <transform name="to_world">
            <translate x="5" y="-3" z="1"/>

        <!-- This mesh is an area emitter -->
        <emitter type="area">
            <rgb name="radiance" value="100,400,100"/>

This example introduces several new object types (integrator, sensor, bsdf, sampler, film, and``emitter``) and property types (integer, transform, and rgb). As you can see in the example, objects are usually declared at the top level except if there is some inherent relation that links them to another object. For instance, BSDFs are usually specific to a certain geometric object, so they appear as a child object of a shape. Similarly, the sampler and film affect the way in which rays are generated from the sensor and how it records the resulting radiance samples, hence they are nested inside it. The following table provides an overview of the available object types:

XML tag


type examples


BSDF describe the manner in which light interacts with surfaces in the scene (i.e., the material)

diffuse, conductor


Emitter plugins specify light sources and their characteristic emission profiles.

constant, envmap, point


Film plugins convert measurements into the final output file that is written to disk



Integrators implement rendering techniques for solving the light transport equation

path, direct, depth


Reconstruction filters control how the film converts a set of samples into the output image

box, gaussian


Sample generator plugins used by the integrator



Sensor plugins like cameras are responsible for measuring radiance

perspective, orthogonal


Shape puglins define surfaces that mark transitions between different types of materials

obj, ply, serialized


Texture plugins represent spatially varying signals on surfaces


This table lists the different kind of objects and their respective tags. It also provides an exemplary list of plugins for each category.


This subsection documents all of the ways in which properties can be supplied to objects. If you are more interested in knowing which properties a certain plugin accepts, you should look at the plugin documentation instead.


Integer and floating point values can be passed as follows:

<integer name="int_property" value="1234"/>
<float name="float_property" value="-1.5e3"/>

Note that you must adhere to the format expected by the object, i.e. you can’t pass an integer property to an object that expects a floating-point property associated with that name.


Boolean values can be passed as follows:

<boolean name="bool_property" value="true"/>


Passing strings is similarly straightforward:

<string name="string_property" value="This is a string"/>

Vectors, Positions

Points and vectors can be specified as follows:

<point name="point_property" value="3, 4, 5"/>
<vector name="vector_property" value="3, 4, 5"/>


Mitsuba does not dictate a specific unit for position values (meters, centimeters, inches, etc.). The only requirement is that you consistently use one convention throughout the scene specification.

RGB Colors

In Mitsuba, colors are either specified using the <rgb> or <spectrum> tags. The interpretation of a RGB color value like

<rgb name="color_property" value="0.2, 0.8, 0.4"/>

depends on the variant of the renderer that is currently active. For instance, scalar_rgb will simply forward the color value to the underlying plugin without changes. In contrast, scalar_spectral operates in the spectral domain where a RGB value is not meaningful—worse, there is an infinite set of spectra corresponding to each RGB color. Mitsuba uses the method of Jakob and Hanika [JH19] to choose a plausible smooth spectrum amongst all of these these possibilities. An example is shown below:


Color spectra

A more accurate way or specifying color information involves the <spectrum> tag, which records a reflectance/intensity value for multiple discrete wavelengths specified in nanometers.

<spectrum name="color_property" value="400:0.56, 500:0.18, 600:0.58, 700:0.24"/>

The resulting spectrum uses linearly interpolation for in-between wavelengths and equals zero outside of the specified wavelength range. The following short-hand notation creates a spectrum that is uniform across wavelengths:

<spectrum name="color_property" value="0.5"/>

When spectral power or reflectance distributions are obtained from measurements (e.g. at 10nm intervals), they are usually quite unwieldy and can clutter the scene description. For this reason, there is yet another way to pass a spectrum by loading it from an external file:

<spectrum name="color_property" filename="measured_spectrum.spd"/>

The file should contain a single measurement per line, with the corresponding wavelength in nanometers and the measured value separated by a space. Comments are allowed. Here is an example:

# This file contains a measured spectral power/reflectance distribution
406.13 0.703313
413.88 0.744563
422.03 0.791625
430.62 0.822125
435.09 0.834000

For more details regarding spectral information in Mitsuba 2, please have a look at the corresponding section in the plugin documentation.


Transformations are the only kind of property that require more than a single tag. The idea is that, starting with the identity, one can build up a transformation using a sequence of commands. For instance, a transformation that does a translation followed by a rotation might be written like this:

<transform name="trafo_property">
    <translate value="-1, 3, 4"/>
    <rotate y="1" angle="45"/>

Mathematically, each incremental transformation in the sequence is left-multiplied onto the current one. The following choices are available:

  • Translations:

    <translate value="-1, 3, 4"/>
  • Counter-clockwise rotations around a specified axis. The angle is given in degrees:

    <rotate value="0.701, 0.701, 0" angle="180"/>
  • Scaling operation. The coefficients may also be negative to obtain a flip:

    <scale value="5"/>        <!-- uniform scale -->
    <scale value="2, 1, -1"/> <!-- non-uniform scale -->
  • Explicit 4x4 matrices in row-major order:

    <matrix value="0 -0.53 0 -1.79 0.92 0 0 8.03 0 0 0.53 0 0 0 0 1"/>
  • Explicit 3x3 matrices in row-major order. Internally, this will be converted to a 4x4 matrix with the same last row and column as the identity matrix.

    <matrix value="0.57 0.2 0 0.1 -1 0 0 0 1"/>
  • lookat transformations – this is primarily useful for setting up cameras. The origin coordinates specify the camera origin, target is the point that the camera will look at, and the (optional) up parameter determines the upward direction in the final rendered image.

    <lookat origin="10, 50, -800" target="0, 0, 0" up="0, 1, 0"/>


Quite often, you will find yourself using an object (such as a material) in many places. To avoid having to declare it over and over again, which wastes memory, you can make use of references. Here is an example of how this works:

<scene version="2.0.0">
    <texture type="bitmap" id="my_image">
        <string name="filename" value="textures/my_image.jpg"/>

    <bsdf type="diffuse" id="my_material">
        <!-- Reference the texture named my_image and pass it
             to the BRDF as the reflectance parameter -->
        <ref name="reflectance" id="my_image"/>

    <shape type="obj">
        <string name="filename" value="meshes/my_shape.obj"/>

        <!-- Reference the material named my_material -->
        <ref id="my_material"/>

By providing a unique id attribute in the object declaration, the object is bound to that identifier upon instantiation. Referencing this identifier at a later point (using the <ref id=".."/> tag) will add the instance to the parent object.


Note that while this feature is meant to efficiently handle materials, textures, and particiapating media that are referenced from multiple places, it cannot be used to instantiate geometry. (the instance plugin should be used for that purpose. This is not yet part of Mitsuba 2 but will be added at a later point.)

Default parameters

Scene may contain named parameters that are supplied via the command line:

<bsdf type="diffuse">
    <rgb name="reflectance" value="$reflectance"/>

In this case, an error will be raised when the scene is loaded without an explicit command line argument of the form -Dreflectance=.... For convenience, it is possible to specify a default parameter value that take precedence when no command line arguments are given. The syntax for this is:

<default name="reflectance" value="something"/>

and must precede the occurrences of the parameter in the XML file.

Including external files

A scene can be split into multiple pieces for better readability. To include an external file, please use the following command:

<include filename="nested-scene.xml"/>

In this case, the file nested-scene.xml must be a proper scene file with a <scene> tag at the root.

This feature is often very convenient in conjunction with the -D key=value flag of the mitsuba command line renderer. This enables including different variants of a scene configuration by changing the command line parameters, without without having to touch the XML file:

<include filename="nested-scene-$version.xml"/>


It is sometimes useful to associate an object with multiple identifiers. This can be accomplished using the alias as=".." tag:

<bsdf type="diffuse" id="my_material_1"/>
<alias id="my_material_1" as="my_material_2"/>

After this statement, the diffuse scattering model will be bound to both identifiers my_material_1 and my_material_2.

External resource folders

Using the path tag, it is possible to add a path to the list of search paths. This can be useful for instance when some meshes and textures are stored in a different directory, (e.g. when shared with other scenes). If the path is a relative path, Mitsuba 2 will first try to interpret it relative to the scene directory, then to other paths that are already on the search path (e.g. added using the -a <path1>;<path2>;.. command line argument).

<path value="../../my_resources"/>